Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jun Nippon Matcha

Jun Nippon Matcha

             Thank you Lian for shipping The Jun Nippon Matcha directly to me.
The packaging was simple and efficient which I always come to appreciate. 
I am very sensitive and picky when it comes to matcha because every little detail count matters to me;
 The color, scent, texture and taste.

Jun Nippon Matcha hit almost a perfect sore of all of the above.

-          The color of the Matcha was of a bright spring green which I rate it 5 out of 5

-          The scent was a light earthy green tea which received a 5 out of 5

-          The texture is very smooth and little to no clumps 5 out of 5 (thanks to the packaging as well).

-          The taste is definitely very green and smooth. Sweet at first sip. After taste was slightly bitter. However comparing it to the other ceremonial matcha that I’ve tested it is a slightly lower quality. Therefore I gave it a 4 out of 5.

I’ve tried drinking the matcha as it is and I’ve also mixed it with yogurt which tastes amazing.
A sifter helped out a lot so it’s very necessary. The best way to get rid of clumps is with a sifter AND adding the hot water little by little as you mix in the cup or bowl. You should not just pour all the hot water in at once because that would form clumps.

I also did the same with the yogurt. I used organic whole milk yogurt (unsweetened) because it is healthy and has a very thick and creamy texture. I find that the only kind of yogurt fit for this high quality matcha. I used about 5 table spoon of the yogurt and 2 teaspoon of matcha. I sprinkled a little amount of the matcha on top of the yogurt and mix and a little more and repeat. The result is a light creamy green yogurt treat. You can add a little bit of honey and mix well.

#matcha #junnipponmatcha #greentea #organicgreentea #organicmatcha #organictea #greenteafacemask #facemask #health

You can consume the yogurt OR it can also be used for a face mask. Since matcha is anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidant and full of nutrient it is perfect for treating acne. It will also give the face a natural glow. 

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